Articles & Publications
Integrating Conceptual Divisions Within and Between the Studies of Play and Well-being
The Handbook of the Study of Play,
edited by J. E. Johnson, S. G. Eberle, T. Henricks, D. Kuschner
Well Played: the Origins and Future of Playfulness
The American Journal of Play, volume 6, number 2, The Strong
What is Play?: Toward a universal definition
Play and Culture Studies, Vol 8, Spring ’08.
Integral Play: An Exploration of the Playground and the Evolution of the Player
AQAL Journal, the Journal of the
Integral Institute, Fall ’07.
Born to Play
Offerings Magazine, Fall ’07.
Are We Having Fun Yet? An Integral Exploration of the Transformative Power of Play
Journal for Humanistic Psychology, Vol.47, No. 2, April ’07.
Free Fall: Living Life as Play
Tricycle Magazine, Summer ’04.
The Evolutionary Power of Play: Gwen Gordon and Brian Swimme in Dialogue
Earthlight Magazine, Spring ’03 Issue 48 Vol. 13 No. 3
Play: The Movement of Love
Earthlight Magazine, Spring ’03 Issue 48 Vol. 13 No. 3
Earthlight: Spiritual wisdom for an Ecological Age,
edited by Cindy Spring and Anthony Manousos
A Feeling for the Whole
What Does God Look Like in an Expanding Universe?
Edited by Jim Schenk, ImagoEarthPublishing, ‘06.
Technology & the Muse: The Erotic Life of Electricity and Water
ReVision: A Journal of Consciousness and Transformation
Spring 2002, Volume 24, Number 4