Restore Your Playground and Help Me Write A Book
We’ve been raised to think of play as a frivolous pastime, something we can do only after the serious business is done. Meanwhile, we drive ourselves into the ground to achieve enough so that one day we can finally play. Hopefully before we die. For most of us, life has shifted from being a Playground full of adventures, possibilities, and playmates to a Proving Ground filled with stress, strain, and striving.
Are you ready to restore your playground? Are you just plain curious what I’m up to? Were you born with a red pencil in your hand? If so, I’d love your help as I turn over a decade of research and a lifetime of personal experience into a book and program!
Say “yes” and you get to:
- Read chapters hot off the press
- Try out the exercises
- Give feedback (so appreciated)
- Attend live Q & A sessions with me
Do You Want to Go Even Deeper?
Are you sick of the stress and strain of proving and battling? Are you ready to dive all the way into Play Rehab and restore your Playground? Do you want to help shape the Play Rehab program? If so, then come join a band of fellow recovering provers and battlers ready to play full on. Get everything listed above plus:
- a monthly live 2 hour group ZOOM session with Gwen
- a monthly private coaching call with Gwen
- a buddy for accountability and good company
The Adventure is limited to 10 Playmates
It launches Thursday, February 2, 2017
It’s a very special opportunity! You get to be part of a pilot program for a seriously reduced rate of $149/month. Pay only for the months you attend, play with Gwen live, help shape the program, and possibly have your story included in the book.